I should be sleeping right now...

I went up to take a nap while Alex watches the baby. I hate waking up and getting up in the middle of the night for our one month old, Phoenix, so we've started doing shifts at night where I take the first half then pass the baby off to Alex. Tonight will be our third night with this system. I should be trying to sleep right now, but when I am not directing a show I get a creative panic. I start thinking of what I SHOULD do and what I NEED to do and it all becomes a jumbled up mess in my mind until I write it all down. My mother read my food blogs in college religiously so at least she will enjoy that I am writing again and I will calm the creative panic in my head that is demanding me to paint ivy vines on the stairs or finally learn embroidery.
So to kill a few minutes during my shift, I've decided to start up a blog again with ramblings of whatever I want. Maybe it'll be about the cutest baby in the world, maybe it'll be about my creative endeavors, maybe it'll be about my dog and cat, maybe it'll be about dates with my husband, maybe it'll one day be about food again. The one thing I can promise is that I will be sleep deprived. I know that there's the saying of "Sleep when the baby sleeps" but it's bright AF outside and she sleeps all the time except when the sky is dark and it's ideal to sleep and for only about two hours. 
